Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Year Ago

So I was going through my old blogs from MySpace with the intent that I would review where I was a year ago and have some introspection as I move forward. Then I remembered I'm packing a pair of balls, not a VJJ and decided to just quote the funny stuff. Here's two from last Summer.

My Fault

I'll admit, this was all my fault. I was careless and totally forgot my priorites.

I mean, how was not I not fully aware how smoking hot Mandy Moore is now?

No lie, Aquagirl is crazy gorgeous. I would definately make her my third wife.

Oh yeah, in case you forgot, she can also sing damn well, too. Check out her cover of Umbrella here.


ok folks, the decision making process is over, and it's very clear that I need one of these, so make it happen.

in case you're wondering, possible names include Igloo, Braffles, and Brooklyn!! (exclamation points included)

Seriously, anybody know of one for under $1400, tell me right away. Otherwise I'll have to find that farm that Rob got his dog from

Btw, I'm still waiting on the dog. C'mon people, I'm starting to get disappointed here. Only random gift I've found on my new porch so far were some balloons with a cryptic, unsigned note. Anyways, just today I thought about the dog issue and figured I should add "Rockafeller" or "Carnegie" to the list of possible names. I think a badass bulldog named after a titan of industry would be fitting.

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