Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year.... rah rah

So, welcome back.

Today I intended to start by posting some pictures that I took over the last week. Anie is trying this project of taking a picture everyday (though I have no idea where she plans to put these pictures), so I thought I'd use that as an impetus to re-up my own photography skills. To that end, I took my new camera with us on Friday when we decided to have fun on the Light Rail. Turns out, however, that I cannot find the cord I need to use to upload these pictures to my computer. So, please enjoy some random images that I found on flickr this morning, and rest assured that there is some genuine grade-a artwork locked into my damn camera, never seeing the light of day (until I find the damn cord...)

Onwards and upwards, though, right? So, being as it is the new year, here are a few "resolutions" I made.

- Be Healthier: Work out 3x a week, stop eating potatoes of all types, cook at home more
- Be More Green
- Be More Creative: Complete some project every month, blog 3-4 times a week

I know, some of these seem way easier to say than to actually do, and from experience I do better with "until New Year's resolutions" made in the fall, instead of the traditional type made in the Winter, but let's give it a whirl.

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