Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 Blog Plan

Well, this isn't so much a "plan" in the sense that I could follow it to pull off a heist.  It's more a list of traits that I want my blog to embody in the new year.  A set of reminders for myself that I want to strive towards.

- Consistent!! 
      I need to use this as an exercise to improve myself.  Like all exercise, it's best when done regularly, not sporadically.

- Discuss Intelligently

- Revelant! 
      Connect the dots, obscure is fine, haughty is bleh

- Don't be afraid of Long-Form
     If it's worth the time for you to read it, it's worth the time for me to fully discuss it.

- Intuitive
     I don't really know how this applies, but it sounds good.  I'll figure it out later

- More Engagement
     No, not the down-on-one-knee kind; the interacting-with-whoever-reads-this kind.  I work best when challenged from an outside sourse.  What better source than the one right here?

I'm sure this list will be evolving.  This is just what I got down in 10 minutes today. 
List done.

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